Kulturní centrum Prádelna, z. s.
Linecká 41, Plešivec, 381 01 Český Krumlov


About the Prádelna in English.


17 Zář 2022


19:00 - 20:00

Mytholorgies | Melanie Ludwig a Maria Stadlober | vernisáž výstavy a koncert

Vernisáž výstavy Melanie Ludwig a koncert Maria Stadlober.

Melanie Ludwig je vizuální umělkyně působící v Linci v Rakousku. Pracuje s různými médii, zaměřuje se na malbu, kresbu a animovaný film.

Melanie Ludwig is a visual artist based in Linz/Austria. She works with different media, focusing on painting, drawing and animation film.


Maria Stadlober je rakouská hudebnice, herečka a výtvarnice. A ano, pečlivě proměňuje hovno ve zlato.

Maria Stadlober is a musician, actress and artist from Austria. And yes, she turns shit into gold, carefully.


you know, i think that my first love
must have been a comic book.
flipping through the pages,
with images and text.
and the panels between them.
the imaginary space between them.
this is where
the magic happens.
story telling.
the tales we are told,
the popular tales,
to retell them.
to take them apart
and to put them back together

is laughing
and Daphne is laughing

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